Queensdown Nursery - Thame

We are a small privately owned sessional Nursery, we open during term time.
We have a purpose built building and garden with sole use.

Stable, Stimulating & Fun Environment

Queensdown prides itself on staying small and providing children with a stable, stimulating, fun environment to achieve their next steps.

All Queensdown staff are level 3 and above trained with paediatric 1st aid training.

We have an amazing team who are here ready to start your child’s learning journey with you.

Opening Hours

Mon to Fri – term time – 8.30am to 11.30 am – 12.30pm to 3.30pm with a lunch club between 11.30am and 12.30pm.

Sessions are flexible – you can include a lunch session too, which will give you the option of all day, 8.30 to 3.30, which you can do for as many days a week as suits.  Or you can do just a morning or just an afternoon, or mix and match.

We take government 15 hours funding for your children.  This works out at 2.5 days at Queensdown or 5 mornings or 5 afternoons.  You can add on additional sessions and you will receive a bill termly for extra sessions and lunch clubs attended.

About Us

We are a small privately owned sessional Nursery, we open during term time.

We have a purpose built building and garden with sole use. 

Queensdown prides itself on staying small and providing children with a stable, stimulating, fun environment to achieve their next steps.

All Queensdown staff are level 3 and above trained with paediatric 1st aid training.

We have an amazing team who are here ready to start your child’s learning journey with you.

Frequently asked questions

Mon to Fri – term time – 8.30am to 11.30 am – 12.30pm to 3.30pm with a lunch club between 11.30am and 12.30pm

Sessions are flexible – you can include a lunch session too, which will give you the option of all day, 8.30 to 3.30, which you can do for as many days a week as suites. Or you can do just a morning or just an afternoon, or mix and match.

We take government 15 hours funding for your children. This works out at 2.5 days at Queensdown or 5 mornings or 5 afternoons. You can add on additional sessions and you will receive a bill termly for extra sessions and lunch clubs attended.

All Queensdown staff are level 3 and above trained with paediatric 1st aid training.